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B&C Morning Show: John Sterling Gets Offensive

At one point during the radio broadcast of the Yankees game on WCBS 880 last night, infamous play-by-play man John Sterling made what could be perceived as an off-color comment about his broadcast partner Suzyn Waldman -- one that seemed to accuse her of being overweight.

After hearing the audio, Craig felt that this could represent a turning point in the relationship between the two. As we know, Sterling will occasionally screw up some of his play-by-play calls, but Suzyn seems to come to his rescue time after time.

Well after the off-putting remark by Sterling last night, Craig thinks it's possible that Suzyn might not be so willing to cover his tracks the next time he blows a call. Boomer took it a step further and said that she might even call him out on his mistakes.

From there, Craig reenacted what an incident like that might sound like through the use of his classic  Suzyn Waldman impersonation. Needless to day, hilarity ensued...

LISTEN: John Sterling Gets Offensive

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