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B&C Morning Show: Linda Prompts Craig To Sing To Boomer; Kristen Comes Through

Linda from Long Beach decided wake up early and give the Dynamic Radio Duo a call with the hopes of sharing her views on the air, which she has done in the past.  Today though, Linda's phone line was not a good one and she sounded a bit muffled, which Craig certainly noticed.

Craig proceeded to poke fun at her before saying goodbye, safe to say not how Linda envisioned the call would go.  After hanging up, Craig then stated that 'he needs him some Boomer' and then began singing to the Blonde Bomber, which made everyone uncomfortable, especially poor Boomer.

Switching gears a bit, Boomer asked Craig about Kristen, who agreed to video tape herself reading '50 Shades of Grey' and send it to the guys, in exchange for tickets to tomorrow night's Cowboys-Giants game.  Well Kristen did her part, now it's up to Craigie to score some 'sports tickets' for the lovely exhibitionist...

LISTEN: Linda Prompts Craig To Sing To Boomer; Kristen Comes Through (09/04)

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