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Gridlock Alert Season Begins In New York City

NEW YORK (WCBS 880) - These are the 10 days a year when drivers curse because it's so difficult to get around New York City.


WCBS 880's John Metaxas reports

Some say it's even more so these days with so many pedestrian malls now cutting down on driving lanes.

LINKS: Traffic and Transit | Planes, Trains & Automobiles Guide

But do the Gridlock Alert Days work? Do they get people to take mass transit?

WCBS 880 posed that question to former city traffic chief and current Daily News columnist Sam Schwartz, also known as "Gridlock Sam."

"I think they do," Schwartz told WCBS 880 reporter John Metaxas. "It raises their consciousness. It says this is a holiday season. It lets people begin to plan their trip."

The next Gridlock Alert Day is the day before Thanksgiving and then Tuesday, November 30, the day they light the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.

The 2010 Gridlock Alert Days are:
- Friday, November 19
- Wednesday, November 24 (worst traffic day of the year)
- Wednesday, December 1
- Friday, December 3
- Friday, December 10
- Wednesday, December 15
- Thursday, December 16
- Friday, December 17
- Wednesday, December 22

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