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First 1010 WINS Report: Eyewitness Joan Fleischer

NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- It was a beautiful sunny day on Sept. 11, 2001 and former 1010 WINS account executive Joan Fleischer was finding it hard to pull herself to get ready for work.

Then she heard a plane overhead.

Listen: Full Interview With Joan Fleischer

"I called the station to say there's going to be a plane crash and as I barely get the words out, the plane flies directly into the Trade Center," Fleischer recalls.

She remained on the phone, frozen on the rooftop of her N. Moore Street apartment building witnessing the horrifying scene unfold.

"I don't hear anything for a while and then I start to hear fire engines and police cars but I can't see them; I can only fixate on this huge gaping hole on the north side of the World Trade Center," Fleischer says. "Thinking back at the time, I thought it was just an accident and then I had a momentary thought that maybe it was movie."

Audio Archive: Joan Fleischer Describes The Attacks On 1010 WINS -- Part One | Part Two | Part Three

Fleischer was the first to report the attack to 1010 WINS and was on the air with anchor Lee Harris when the second plane hit and the first tower fell.

"When the first building dropped, it was catastrophic looked like diamonds falling it was really a weird juxtaposition," she says.

The most overwhelming and haunting sight for Fleischer on that tragic day was seeing the people in the windows of the Twin Towers.

Listen: More Reflections From The 1010 WINS Team

"All I could see were people, I couldn't hear them, but I could see them and see people hold hands and jump," Fleischer says."It was unbelievable when the plane hit the building but when I actually saw people it became very real and very hard to take."

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