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Coronavirus In New Jersey: Hundreds Enjoy Warm Weather As Parks Reopen Across Garden State

JERSEY CITY, N.J. (CBSNewYork) -- Parks across New Jersey reopened Saturday, and hundreds came out to enjoy the sun.

After days of rain and gloomy weather coupled with having to stay at home, you can understand why Liberty State Park in Jersey City was so packed.

Six-year-old Sage was jumping for joy, literally, and he wasn't the only kid thrilled to be at the park.

"It just feels like, just like light," Joey Infante said.

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Joey came out with his brother and mom. All of them have been dealing with a case of cabin fever because of the stay-at-home order.

"We've been in for 52 days, so we don't really leave at all. We haven't been to a store, nothing," Amy Infante, of Rutherford, said. "So we're really enjoying this and from what we can see, everybody is."

Most people were wearing face coverings and doing their best to stay six feet apart while flying kites, riding bikes and jumping on scooters.


Many county and local parks also reopened Saturday.

In Harrison, people were fishing, running and basking in the sun at West Hudson Park.

"A huge sigh of relief," Catrina Castro, of Harrison, said.

Three-year-old Mya found joy in feeding bread to the ducks.

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In addition to parks, golf courses across New Jersey were allowed to reopen, as well.

Twin Willows Golf Course in Lincoln Park had plenty of people hitting the greens.

CORONAVIRUS: NY Health Dept. | NY Call 1-(888)-364-3065 | NYC Health Dept. | NYC Call 311, Text COVID to 692692 | NJ Health Dept. | NJ Call 1-(800)-222-1222 or 211, Text NJCOVID to 898211 | CT Health Dept. | CT Call 211

Back at Liberty State Park, Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Catherine McCabe says this first day of reopening parks could pave the way for the future.

"The governor has said that this is a test. This is a test, New Jersey, and so far, if this part of Liberty Park is any indication, you're doing great, keep it up," she told CBS2's Cory James.

At Liberty State Park, the playground and bathrooms remain closed, and police were seen out patrolling.

While they can't force people to wear masks, they were encouraging them to have them on and keep six feet of distance.

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