Snow Response Batters Bloomberg's Approval Rating
NEW YORK (CBS 2/ AP) -- New York City took a beating during the Christmas blizzard, and as it turns out, so did Mayor Michael Bloomberg's popularity, particularly in the outer boroughs.
A new poll shows that Bloomberg's approval rating has plummeted to a near-historic low after a disappointing response to the snowstorm that battered the Tri-State Area.
In a poll asking if people approved or disapproved of the mayor's handling of the blizzard snow removal, Bloomberg took hits from all sides, reports CBS 2's Pablo Guzman.
"My job is not to worry about having a high rating," Bloomberg said. "My job is to worry about doing a good job, doing the best job that we can."
The Marist College/NY1 poll of registered voters was released Thursday. It found that 37 percent said he is doing a good or excellent job, and 60 percent rate it as fair or poor.
That's a major dip from October, when 50 percent rated him as good or excellent, and 45 as fair or poor.
When asked specifically about how he handled the snow cleanup, 71 percent disapproved and 21 percent approved. Borough-specific numbers weren't any prettier for Bloomberg, especially outside of Manhattan.
In the Bronx, 69 percent of those polled did not approve of Bloomberg's snow management, while in Brooklyn, 78 percent disapproved. For the combined polling of Queens and Staten Island, 71 percent said he didn't do a good job in response to the storm.
Even in Manhattan, only 21 percent approved of the mayor's management of the snow removal, while a staggering 63 percent did not.
Fort Greene resident Winston Clare said the low numbers could be attributable to residents wanting to get back at a mayor who said he could control everything from bike lanes to trans fats.
"People are just tired of the mayor taking over and trying to do what he wants to do," Clare said.
The poll questioned 439 registered voters on Wednesday. It has a plus or minus 5 percentage point margin of error.