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Hells Angels: Stay Off Our Bench

NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- The Hells Angels, who are infamous for their tough guy ways, are apparently pretty sensitive about where they rest their rears.

They put a metal bar across the private bench outside their clubhouse on East 3rd Street, just about daring anybody to remove it and sit down.

As though that wasn't enough to dissuade unwanted posteriors from plunking down, there's also a sign: "PRIVATE PROPERTY: DO NOT SIT ON BENCH NOT FOR HOTEL GUESTS." Apparently guests from the nearby Sanctuary Guest Suites were getting too cozy.

The motorcycle group apparently is having a tougher time getting respect these days. Guests at the neighboring hotel apparently leave trash in the painted Hells Angels sidewalk planters and bravely enough sit on members' motorcyles to get their picture taken.

"If people are sitting on the Hells Angels motorcycles it just goes to show you they don't know who they are," Eric Ellison, who lives next to the clubhouse, said. He said residents in the area are unhappy with the hotel but have no problems with the Angels.

"They keep to themselves, they don't make an unnecessary fuss and they don't bother me so I have nothing against them," Ellison said.

Neighbors tell 1010 WINS' Al Jones that they're unhappy with the Sanctuary Guest Suites


The clubhouse, between First and Second Avenues, has been at that location since 1969.

We've decided we prefer Charlie's Angels - check out our gallery of them from then to now here.

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