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Group Says Pot Busts In NYC Were 15 Percent Of All 2010 Arrests

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - The Drug Policy Alliance, a group dedicated to reforming drug laws and wiping out the war on drugs and the Rockefeller Drug Laws in New York - says figures released show the New York City Police Department arrested 50,383 people in 2010 for low-level marijuana offenses.

The DPA says the massive number of pot arrests make the Big Apple the "Marijuana Arrest Capital of the World."

The reform group goes on to say the high arrest figures do not reflect a growth in the use of marijuana. Rather, they suggest it is because making the arrests is a priority for the NYPD.

So far, no comment on the report from the NYPD.

There's certainly been no shortage of marijuana busts in the city lately - some high profile, some less so.

What do you think? Should marijuana laws be reformed? Sound off in our comments section.

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