Critics Still Want San Gennaro Feast Cut Short
NEW YORK (CBS 2) -- Could the "Feast of all Feasts" be toned down this fall? There were calls Thursday to shorten the San Gennaro Feast, held every September in Little Italy.
The tradition that started more than 85 years ago has drawn so much negative attention that members of the Community Board 2 were trying to cut down the festival. Instead of running seven blocks along Mulberry Street to Houston, it would stop three blocks short at Kenmare.
The festival runs from Sept. 15 through Sept. 25.
Some local shops and boutiques claim the 11-day event dramatically lowers their profits because the festival runs from 11 a.m. until 12:30 at night.
SEE: Photo Gallery – San Gennaro Festival 2010
"It killed our business pretty much for two weeks out of the summer, which should be our busiest time," Emily Snell, of the Paul Frank Store, said. "It's unfortunate for business owners around this area."
Should the San Gennaro festival be shortened? Sound off in our comments section.
"Trash, noise, breaking the rules. So many people. Just complete chaos. I don't even want to be here," resident Courtney Hewitt said.
The San Gennaro faithful want the tradition to stay. "For shop owners in what they call NoLita to say they can't make money with a million people walking the streets, either their business concept is totally off or something's wrong with what they're selling," said John Fratta, Figli Di San Gennaro Board Member.
"This is a neighborhood and a city event that must continue," said resident Bob Marshall. "If they cut it three blocks this year, what are they going to want next year? It's sort of a 'starve the beast' if they can get it out and what they're trying to do is to change the culture of the neighborhood."
"It's an 85-year-old tradition. When these people rented their stores, rented their apartments, it was here. It wasn't a secret come September the streets were going to turn into a carnival," Figli Di San Gennaro board member Ernest Magliato said.
The mayor's office has the final decision on whether the Feast runs its usual seven blocks.