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Long Island Among America's Most Segregated Metro Areas

HAUPPAUGE, NY (WCBS 880) - Long Island continues to be one of the most segregated metropolitan areas in the United States, according to a new study.

Experts blame the problem on long-standing restrictive housing patterns.

A new study ranks the island the seventh most segregated among 50 major metro regions analyzed.

Researchers from Brown University and Florida State point out that it is really a black and white divide.

The study shows less segregation between Whites and Asians and between whites and Hispanics.

Government officials say they're trying to address the problem through fair housing laws.

Since 2000, there has been little change in the diversity (or lack thereof) of Long Island. "You can hardly measure the change," John R. Logan of Brown University (formerly of Stony Brook University) told Newsday.

The study was authored by Logan and Brian Stults of Florida State University.

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