'Hard Knocks' Sequel? Jets' Rex Says Not Happening
NEW YORK (WFAN/AP) -- With Rex Ryan and Mike Tannenbaum shooting a scene for "CSI: NY" and linebacker Bart Scott slated to appear on "TNA Impact," the question had to be asked: Are Rex's prime time Jets interested in a "Hard Knocks" sequel?
"I think we're done with it," Ryan told a chuckling NFL Network interview crew from the NFL Scouting Combine.
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Millions of viewers got an eyeful and earful of the Jets last summer on HBO's five-episode reality series. "Hard Knocks" covered preseason with the team, cuss words and all – and there were a lot of them.
Ryan plays himself in an episode of "CSI: NY" shot Wednesday in Los Angeles. Ryan said he and Tannenbaum appear in a scene with actors Gary Sinise and Eddie Cahill that is scheduled to air in the spring.
"Mike Tannenbaum and I were down there and we just assumed we were going to be extras, and they're like, 'Oh no, we've got some lines for you.' We're like, 'Give me that! Oh my goodness,'" Ryan said. "Mike Tannenbaum was a diva, though. I mean, he really was. He had the makeup, the hair going, he had all kinds of things."
Ryan is keeping alive what apparently is a new tradition for Jets coaches: Predecessor Eric Mangini made a cameo on "The Sopranos" in 2007.
Would you watch a "Hard Knocks" sequel? Let us know in the comments below!
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