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Thousands Gather At Union Square To Voice Concerns Against Wars

NEW YORK (WCBS 880) – Thousands attended an anti-war rally at Union Square on Saturday.

One woman had tears in her eyes as she talked about her nephews who are in the military and how she believed she may never see them again. Another man drove more than nine hours from Ohio so that his voice could be heard.

LISTEN: WCBS 880's Sophia Hall reports on the rally


Tom Murphy from Brooklyn said instead of shutting down the government, they need to shut down the wars.

"It's costing $100 million a day. In the meantime, we are being told that there is no money for badly needed social programs. We don't want war. We want more jobs," Murphy said.

Carol Kennedy came from Pennsylvania and said that the killing of innocent people needs to stop.

"Anytime you have drones and other bombs—they kill people even if your intentions are to kill people like Ghaddafi," Kennedy said.

One man said President Obama needs to act and not deliver just words.

"It's not enough for President Obama to say in his election 'Yes, we can.' We need to see action. We just see words. We should stop this corruption. We should stop these wars," he said.

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