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B&C Morning Show: Boomer Puts Capitals' Ovechkin On Ice

To say that Boomer is pumped up about the Rangers' upcoming playoff series against the Capitals would be an understatement.  Yesterday he brought in his entire collection of Rangers jerseys (or sweaters depending how serious you are) for the staff to wear.

Today he took it one step further and like he did two years ago when the Rangers and the Caps met in the first round, he decided to put his Alexander Ovechkin jersey/sweater on ice, with the hopes of "freezing out" the Russian superstar.

Although back in 2009 the "freeze-out" was somewhat effective in slowing down Ovechkin, holding him to just three goals, the Rangers lost the series in seven games after taking a 2-0 lead.  So Boomer is obviously hoping for a different outcome this time around...

LISTEN: Putting Ovechkin on Ice

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