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Iraq Veteran From Westchester Says Don't Forget Young Veterans

NEW YORK (WCBS 880) - Jeff Combs grew up in Westchester County and joined the Marines at 17. On his second tour of duty in Iraq, he was wounded.

WCBS 880's Peter Haskell On The Story


"On August 31, 2006, I was hit by a pressure plate I.E.D," he said.

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He suffered a severed artery and shattered nerves, but that wasn't all.

"I woke up about 7 or 8 p.m. on August 31. My arm was gone," he told WCBS 880 reporter Peter Haskell. "When I woke up and I didn't have my arm, I realized that, you know what, nothing I can do and say or cry or doing anything will ever get it back."

His coping with the loss was helped by the Wounded Warriors Project.

"The biggest thing is that you're not the only one and it's really just an obstacle," he said.

Combs now works for the project and says Veterans Day is a big deal. He doesn't want those like him, the young veterans, to be forgotten.

"It's not just about the older generation. It's about the kids returning home and they need your support and your 'thank you' as well," he said.

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