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Dozens Of Cats, Kittens Discovered Living In Fenced-In Filth On Sands Point Preserve

SANDS POINT, N.Y. (CBS 2) -- A disturbing discovery was made on Long Island. Dozens of defenseless cats and kittens were found caged and neglected on the Sands Point Preserve.

Several families came to the Preserve looking for their lost cats. The search led to a sickening discovery.

"We had heard that there were rumors, cats crying in the night, and I came to investigate," Jean-Marie Posner of Friends of Sands Point Preserve, told CBS 2's Vanessa Murdock.

Posner walked down a path and found a locked gate. Using bolt cutters she got it open and once inside, she couldn't believe what she found.

"It was deplorable. The condition that the cats had been kept in, no one could have imagined what we came across here," Posner said. "It was close to 70 cats that had been kept without water, without food, without any care whatsoever. Abandoned."

They were living in so much of their own filth that a shovel broke trying to dig it out of cages. Disease was also running rampant. The unimaginable scene was discovered Monday, but on Wednesday their future looked brighter.

"Willing to do anything possible for the animals to get them out of here and rescued," said Michael Vinas, of Animal Lovers' League of Glen Cove.

The group has stepped in to help out by cleaning cages and bringing food and water to the poor creatures, who were victims of animal cruelty.

The Nassau County Assistant District Attorney told CBS 2 those responsible have been identified and they may face criminal charges.

However, a little more fact finding has to be done before details of the who and how are released. The DA said it still remains to be seen if they were trying to help these cats or hurt them.

"I don't know if this is a case where one person has necessarily accumulated all the animals to this focused location or one person more or less shepherded the animals that were already on the grounds," Assistant D.A. Jed Painter said.

While details of the case are sorted out, the felines will stay put in much cleaner conditions until they are ready for adoption.

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