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Harbor Seal Rescued Off Montauk Point

MONTAUK, NY (WCBS 880) - A harbor seal is being treated on Long Island after being rescued off the coast of Montauk.

WCBS 880's Sophia Hall On The Story


It looks like the one-year-old male was bitten by a shark before it was rescued off of Montauk Point.

The Riverhead Foundation's Julika Wocial said the little guy is very underweight.

"Also he had wounds on his body. The wounds themselves weren't too much of a concern because they were pretty superficial. So, the wounds weren't necessarily the reason why we decided to pick it up. It was more the behavior of the animal. He was very lethargic, very depressed," she told WCBS 880 reporter Sophia Hall.

She said someone walking spotted the harbor seal, called the Riverhead Foundation, and sent cell phone pictures so a biologist would be able to find the animal and try to do a pre-diagnosis before arriving on the scene.

The seal is on antibiotics and many tests have been done.

If all goes well, the seal will be released in two months.

Harbor seals are not uncommon in area waters.

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