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Casey Anthony Appears In Online 'Video Diary' Posted To YouTube

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- After months of hiding, the world is now hearing from Casey Anthony, the woman acquitted last summer of killing her daughter Caylee.

The video, uploaded on YouTube after apparently being recorded last October, shows a transformed Anthony. She wears new glasses and a short, blonde hairdo.

"I'm extremely excited to Skype and keep pictures and video," she said. "Something I can finally call mine."

1010 WINS' Eileen Lehpamer reports


Anthony is at an undisclosed location in Florida serving a one-year probation sentence for check fraud.

In the video, she says recording the video makes her feel less lonely.

"Now I have someone to talk to, so I'm not by myself," she said.

Anthony doesn't talk about Caylee nor her estranged parents, who testified in the trial.

She was found guilty of lying to police about her daughter disappearing, but on the new video, she only briefly mentions the ordeal.

"It's just surreal how things have changed since July," she said. "And how many things haven't changed."

She says she's looking forward to starting a new life later this year.

See the video below.

Casey Anthony Video Diary 10/13/2011 by Sonya Matthews on YouTube

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