WCBS 880 Special Series: Beach Reads - 'The Time In Between'
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - Today, we at WCBS Newsradio 880 kicked off our summer summer Beach Reads series.
Every Thursday from now until the end of the summer, we'll highlight a book that'll make for a good read this summer.
This week, WCBS 880 anchor Pat Farnack spoke with Maria Dueñas, author of "The Time In Between."
LISTEN: Farnack With Dueñas
PF: "You know, I love the first line of your book: 'A typewriter changed my destiny.'"
MD: "Yeah, well, I don't remember how or why I decided to start the book with this sentence, but I thought it was a powerful idea."
PF: "Now your book has everything for a great summertime read especially. You have love, history, drama, even a little bit of espionage. Plus your primary character is very compelling."
MD: "Her name is Sira, Sira Quiroga. She's a young dressmaker from Madrid. And when we know her at the beginning of the book, she is a very young, innocent girl and suddenly everything in her life changes because she madly falls in love with the most inopportune man who will change everything in her life. He will take her to Northern Africa which at that time was a very international, cosmopolitan setting. Imagine the Casablanca movie setting and atmosphere. That was how northern Morocco was at that time. That's where Sira moves with Ramiro [Arribas] only to be abandoned by him a few months later."
Tune in next Thursday at 12:50 p.m. when we'll hear from Steve Berry, the author of the New York Times bestseller "The Columbus Affair."