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Country Music Artists React To Theater Killings With Compassion, Anger And Sadness

Tragedy struck Aurora, Colorado during a midnight show of The Dark Knight Rises last night. Fans were expecting to see their hero Batman, but instead faced a real life Joker, James Holmes.

According to CBS Local, 24-year-old Holmes shot and killed 12 people and injured over 70, including a three month old infant. He was immediately arrested behind the movie theatre. Anticipating this arrest, Holmes had already booby-trapped his home for police.

As several innocent victims continue to hang on to life, country music artists expressed their empathy and compassion on Twitter in various ways.

Billy Ray Cyrus took to Twitter when he first heard the news, and then posted a few hours later:

Charlie Daniels, who lives in Colorado, felt the home effects of this tragedy:

Meghan Lindsey was also shocked by the news, along with several other artists, including John Rich:

It is clear country artists are devastated by this horrific event. They are filled with compassion, anger and sadness. The saddest part is this tragedy is one of several to hit America in recent years. CBS Local reminds us on January 8, 2011 US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others were shot during a public meeting in Tucson, Arizona. Six people lost their lives. Prior to that on November 5, 2009, 13 were killed and 30 others were wounded in a shooting rampage in Texas. This list goes on...will the killings ever stop?

For latest updates on this tragedy, please visit

-Ashley Quadros, CBS Local Sacramento

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