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Spring Fever: 8 Dating Tips For The New Season

NEW YORK (WLNY) -- With the cold winter soon behind us, folks are feeling that spring fever that comes with warmer temperatures and outdoor activities.

More: NYC's 9 Best Outdoor Dates

With the weather about to warm up, how do you recharge the romance in your life?

Rachel Dealto, a relationship expert and author of the bestselling book, "Flirt Fearlessly," said weather can make a difference in the romance department -- whether you're single or attached.

For Singles:

1- Do some spring cleaning - every so often its a good idea to go through your phone and Facebook/Twitter and delete the negativity. Have someone in there that's bringing you down? Time to shed them. Dating someone that isn't working out? Delete the number. Time for a new you.

2 - Plant the perfect mate - This isn't as weird as it sounds. Well, maybe… Write down on a small piece of paper 4 traits that you must have in your partner. Get a pot, plant and soil and plant those thoughts. Every time you water that plant, and every time it grows you will be reminded of what you are looking for.

3 - Sporting events - Ladies, there is no better place to meet men that at any event surrounding sports. Between March Madness and baseball season you have an endless opportunity to get out there and meet people. Whether you go to the game, or go to a bar to watch the game, the ratio will be in your favor

4 - Join - There are thousands of meetup groups in and around NYC - I run one myself. Filled with activities from hiking, to kayaking to wine tasting, get out there and get social. (I have a singles cycle with SoulCycle that I am working on for my next meetup event.

For Couples:

1- Embrace the extra pheromones -A study found that 67% of people become more interested in sex when the weather starts getting warmer. Take advantage of that! Make time to put the spice back in your relationship. Have a date night, get a babysitter, cut out the excuses and let the sparks fly

2 - Get outdoors together - Plan a surprise picnic, go on a hike, take ride to a Long Island winery. Anything that gets the wind in your hair and sun on your skin

3 - Sporting Events - Yes, you are seeing double - sporting events work for those attached and single! The difference is, you have to go to the live event as a couple. There is an electricity in the air that comes with a game in a stadium. Whether you root for the same team or are rivals, the atmosphere will spice up your night.

4 - Clean your closet - Well that doesn't sound very sexy does it? But it can be. When you are in a relationship, you may stop dressing to impress. The "mom" sweatpants come out. The shirt from college (20 years ago) is still a staple. It's time to toss it and get 2-3 new outfits that make you look and feel good. Bonus for the guys? It's warmer which means more skin.

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