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Rutgers Student Offers Reward For Data From Stolen Laptop

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (CBSNewYork) - These are trying times for one Rutgers University Ph.D. student whose laptop was swiped from last week, but what's on the device is more important than the device itself.

Student Robb Young says his laptop was taken from room 203 of the school's Wright-Rieman chemistry lab building in Piscataway on Friday. But the thing is that it contained all of his thesis work, and he has no backup file.

"It's a tough spot to be for any student, much less somebody attempting to complete their Ph.D," University Police Lt. Paul Fisher told WCBS 880 reporter Levon Putney.

Rutgers Student Offers Reward For Data From Stolen Laptop

Fisher said they have a few leads, but that student, who didn't want to talk, posted flyers around campus trying to reach the swiper, offering $1,000 for his thesis files, saying the thief could keep the laptop.

He even posted the laptop's password, along with his e-mail address and phone number.

LINK: Robb Young's Facebook Page

"He might be inviting more trouble by going the extra mile but of course it's understandable. The plight that the individual finds himself in," Fisher said.

He warned that the student should now be careful not to fall victim to a fraud, like someone sending a fake file to get the money.

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