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Subway Kittens Find New Home In Brooklyn

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- The stray kittens that brought the B and Q subway trains to a screeching halt in Brooklyn last week have found a new home.

August and Arthur are being fostered by 25-year-old Steven Liu in his Bushwick duplex.

Last Thursday, New York City transit workers were called in to cut power on part of the B/Q subway line at Church Avenue, after a police officer spotted the kittens on the tracks.

The search caused delays and service suspensions from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday.

A photo from the scene showed a kitten perilously close to the dangerous, high-voltage third rail. Two police officers caught the kittens around 6 p.m. Thursday.

Liu said the cats are "surprisingly good for subway strays," but are still adjusting to domestic life.

"It's definitely better than the subways but they're still in the transition phase between being a stray cat and being a socialized house pet," Liu told 1010 WINS. "It almost seems like they're hot and cold, sometimes they'll remember that we're nice to them and we feed them and suddenly they'll be scared and try to hide from us."

Liu has seven cats, and said just because August and Arthur have gotten media coverage doesn't mean he'll be giving them any special treatment.

"I'm not going to discriminate just because they're celebrity cats," Liu said. "I basically give all the cats a lot of attention as much as I can."

Liu is chronicling their progress on his website Scratching Pad.

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