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Confront Or Carry On? What To Do When Your Spouse Embarrasses You

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- For some couples love knows no boundaries and that sentiment is especially true when a spouse acts in an embarrassing manner.

The problem can arise in an any relationship. But what's the best way to handle it?

Bad dancing, uninvited poking and prodding, and a laundry list of other issues can cause tension in a relationship.

Sometimes it's done on purpose and sometimes the offender will have no idea that their behavior is a problem, CBS 2's Amy Dardashtian reported.

"I'd dance funny or make stupid jokes that I know she'll kick me under the table for," one man said.

Sometimes it can seem harmless.

"When we first started dating he embarrassed me by coming up to my floor of my office with smoothies," one woman said.

So what should you do? Confront the behavior or let it slide?

Experts told CBS 2's Dardashtian that it depends on the type of behavior. It may be harmless, but it could also be indicative of a bigger problem.

"Instead of blowing up at your partner the first thing you should do is ask them, number one, did they realize what they did, and secondly, why did it happen?" Dr. Jeffrey Gardere said.

Confrontation may be uncomfortable at first but experts said that it could prevent future problems and that honesty in a relationship can help you remember why you fell in love in the first place.

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