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Police: Cop Shot, Killed Gunman In New City Standoff

NEW CITY, N.Y. (CBSNewYork/AP) -- A tense, 7 1/2-hour standoff between police and a gunman who barricaded himself inside a Rockland County home ended when an officer fatally wounded the man, authorities said.

The situation unfolded at 7 p.m. Sunday at a house on North Little Tor Road in New City.

Cops responded after relatives arrived at the police station to report that the man, identified by police as Vincent Cordaro, 57, had threatened to kill them.

Police: Cop Shot, Killed Gunman In New City Standoff

"They reported that he threatened to shoot them with a shotgun, and they also reported he threatened to shoot any police officer that came to the house," Clarkstown police Chief Michael Sullivan told reporters, including WCBS 880's Peter Haskell and 1010 WINS' Al Jones.

"We were told that he was intoxicated," Sullivan said. "He was obviously highly agitated."

Crisis negotiators tried to talk the man into surrendering. When negotiations broke off, a tactical team rushed inside, police said.

Police: Cop Shot, Killed Gunman In New City Standoff

"The subject opened fire and fired several more shots at the officers, and one of our officers returned fire at this time," Sullivan said.

Sullivan said Cordaro had a history of alcohol and drug problems.

The cop who fired the fatal shot has been placed on administrative leave.

"The officer's a member of our tactical team," Sullivan said. "He was deployed with a long gun to secure the perimeter and provide cover for our entry team."

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