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NY State Senator Working On Legislation For Metal Detectors At Theaters, Stadiums And Malls

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Coming to a theater near you: metal detectors -- maybe.

State Sen. Tony Avella (D-Queens) has announced he's developing legislation that would require theater, indoor mall and stadium owners to provide enhanced security, WCBS 880's Alex Silverman reported.

"Either a metal detector and security or security officers with the wand that they can wave," he said.

NY Senator Working On Legislation For Metal Detectors At Theaters, Stadiums And Malls

The move comes amid a string of mass shooting events across the country.

Avella said he immediately began developing a legislative solution following the theater shooting in Louisiana last week, 1010 WINS' Al Jones reported.

"Something has to be done and when you think about it, it's hard to realize that we live in a different world; but we do," he said.

NY Senator Working On Legislation For Metal Detectors At Theaters, Stadiums And Malls

Avella said he knows it will cost money, so he plans to include as part of the legislation a public/private partnership "where the state will pick up half the cost."

As for the potential inconvenience of metal detectors, Avella said it would be worth it if it saves just one life.

Last August, Yankee Stadium started using metal detectors at Gate 2 and installed them at all gates before the start of this season.

The move was part of Major League Baseball's 2015 mandate to standardize security at all 30 ballparks.

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