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8/10 CBS2 Monday Afternoon Weather Headlines

By Justin Lewis
CBS2 Meteorologist

High pressure will slowly push offshore this afternoon. And while much of the area will stay dry, there could be a stray shower or storm inland. It will be a little more humid than yesterday, but highs will be a little cooler... low 80s.

Showers and storms will approach late tonight and move through tomorrow morning. This will likely create headaches for some commuters... heavy rain and flooding. And it will remain active on and off through the day, so even the afternoon rush could be tricky for some. Highs will be slightly cooler in the upper 70s, but it will be rather muggy out there.
Things should quiet down on Wednesday, though there's still a slight chance for a passing shower or storm. Expect highs to be a little warmer in the mid 80s.

And as of now, Thursday's looking better with warm and quiet conditions in place.

Check back for more on the rain and better days ahead!

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