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NYC Home Decor Guide: The 5 Best Places To Shop

Decorating a home - especially one in New York - can be a challenging project and a fun, exciting adventure all at once. Granted, in a city where many are working with limited space, putting your vision to life can be difficult. CBSNewYork consulted home goods connoisseur Christine Dimmick, founder and CEO of the Good Home Company. Celebrities like Brooke Shields, Pamela Anderson and Oprah are fans of her line of luxurious home cleaning products. Here are her five picks for the best home goods shops in New York City, along with tips to decorating your space with ease.

Apartment 48

12 W 17th St
New York, NY 10011
(212) 807-1391

Walking into this Flatiron interior design mecca is "like walking into a friend's fabulous apartment in Paris," said Dimmick. A great place to find a gift for anyone or the perfect quirky and creative addition for your kitchen - tie-dye napkins or a chalkboard mug, anyone?

Pearl River Mart

477 Broadway
New York, NY 10013
(212) 431-7388

Walk in with $20 walk out with a bag full of delights from this home furnishings store in SoHo. In addition to the items you'd expect, this spot is unique in that they carry a full line of Chinese goods - like bento lunch boxes. You'll find food storage containers, clothes, charms - you name it. A good rainy day excursion in the city, you could spend half a day perusing the goods found here.

Chelsea Market

75 9th Ave, from 5th Ave to 15th St
New York, NY 10011
(212) 243-6005

What can't you find at Chelsea Market? A great place for solo shopping or heading out with the kids, you can spend a day sampling eclectic and traditional fare or checking out fabulous home goods resources like Anthropologie or the Postman Book store.

ABC Carpet and Home

888 Broadway # 4
New York, NY
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1055 Bronx River Ave.
Bronx, NY 10472
(718) 860-0468
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While the place is a dreamland at Christmastime, according to Dimmick, ABC always has something fresh and interesting in store. Find everything from apothecary to apparel and accessories. They also have a South Hackensack, N.J., location.


161 Hudson St
New York, NY 10013
(212) 226-2078
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A café for Mom and Dad and a crafts store for your kids – it's on the pricier side, but you'll get in a meal while your children are entertained. The perfect resource for trendy parents, you'll be able to take in a latte while your kids take on a do-it-yourself project at the craft table.

Tips & Things To Keep In Mind

  • Start with the basic vision, and work in your priorities from there. Consider: function, durability, and the maximization of space.
  • Put the same amounts of time, energy and effort into your home as you do with the contents of your closet. They both speak volumes about who you are.
  • For bedrooms, look at loft beds to create space where it may otherwise be lost.
  • A scent may not be a tangible thing, but it's a must-have for every home. Once you add the right scent, a room becomes an experience.
  • Quality comes first. A great idea is nothing if it doesn't perform as you had hoped.
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