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Sound Off New York On Rude Subway Incidents

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - What's going on underground these days?

Maybe it has always been this way and cell phone cameras are only now capturing the bizarre behavior aboard the New York City subway system.

We've rounded up some of the worst offenders and want you to sound off. Which is the worst of the worst? Help us give them a loud Bronx cheer, and hope sanity - and courtesy - is restored among New York's ridership.

WARNING: Video contains profanity. Click here to see video.

Our first contender for a CBSNewYork Bronx cheer is "Bloody Loco." In this extremely NSFW (language) video, you can see a subway rider keeping his cool as a young, aggressive man who identifies himself as "Bloody Loco" threatens to attack him and demands repeatedly (and loudly) that he "recognize that s*** ASAP." Kudos to the book-reading passenger, who stayed completely cool throughout the encounter. "Bloody Loco" asks if they want to get off the train so they can "shoot it up right now." reported that the cool rider is a man named Daniel, who said that the incident began when he accidentally bumped "Bloody Loco"'s leg. We recognize you, Bloody Loco: have a Bronx cheer.

WARNING: Video contains profanity Click Here to See Video

Our second contender for a CBSNewYork Bronx cheer is the spaghetti fight lady. While eating and drinking on the subway is a hot topic and deserves to be debated, attacking someone with your spaghetti dinner is outright rude. The confrontation between two women who had a difference of opinion over how appropriate it is to eat on the subway quickly escalated into a full-blown brawl. Throw your spaghetti on the subway (let alone eat it)? Have a Bronx cheer.

Our third contender for the CBSNewYork Bronx cheer is the subway flasher, Mario Valdivia. Valdivia was arrested after exposing himself to Nicola Briggs, who was recently honored as a "shero" for her courageous stand against him. Valdivia was sentenced to four months in jail. Subway flashers, have a Bronx cheer.

Finally, we have people who think it's a good idea to bring rats onto the subway. This fellow has been caught on tape at least twice putting a large white rat in his mouth. Click here and here to view them.  We're not sure if it's the same guy, but here we have a video of a "double threat," someone who decided to eat pasta with his pet rat sitting on his leg. We think there are enough rats on the subway. They're already climbing onto people in the train, we don't need any more - let alone these gross-out antics. Bring rats onto subways? Have a Bronx cheer.

Now it's your turn, New York: who's the worst offender? Take our poll and sound off in our comments section.

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