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Leaks Fixed At Brand New Hicksville LIRR Station Parking Lot

HICKSVILLE, NY (WCBS 880) - It wasn't even open for a month before leaks sprang.

WCBS 880 Long Island Bureau Chief Mike Xirinachs: The Parking Spaces Have Been Re-Opened


Officials and designers of the new $35 million Hicksville Long Island Rail Road station garage say the leak at the facility is typical of new construction and not a sign of bigger problems.

The leaks have been plugged and the parking spaces that were cut off from use because of the problem have re-opened and, according to the builders, the problem has been fixed.

Some comuters are unsatisfied.

"A leak by itself doesn't mean it's structurally unstable however, it's pretty shoddy," one man said.

Any new leaks that may appear will be promptly dealt with, builders said.

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