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Environmentalists Protest Against Hydrofracking Outside Gov. Cuomo's Office

NEW YORK (WCBS 880) -- Environmentalists opposed to hydrofracking, a controversial process to extract natural gas from under ground, were protesting outside Governor Andrew Cuomo's office this week.

LISTEN: WCBS 880's Peter Haskell reports


About two dozen protesters were outside Cuomo's office calling on him to ban hydrofracking. The process uses water and chemicals to extract natural gas from the earth.

"The risk of contamination, pollution of our ground water, our drinking water," said Eric Wiltman is with Food and Water Watch. "The pollution to the air caused by fracking."

Jessica Haller calls this an uncontrolled experiment.

"We're going to keep pumping things that we don't know the total effects of them and all the systems on the planet," said Haller.

The state is in the process of possibly allowing some fracking on private property. The governor is waiting to hear from an advisory panel.

What do you think about hydrofracking? Let us know in our comments section below...

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