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New Airport Security Pat Downs Too Close For Comfort?

NEW YORK (CBS 2/1010 WINS) -- If you already think the government probes into your life a little too much, you might want to stay away from the airport – because security screening is about to get a little more personal, as CBS 2's Jay Dow reports.

As airports across the country roll out the Transportation Security Administration's new, high tech full body x-ray machines, an alternative is being offered to those who feel that the scanners don't leave enough to the imagination.

Anyone who refuses to subject themselves to the full body x-ray will be subject to the TSA's new, old-fashioned alternative: a pat down.


1010 WINS' Steve Sandberg reports

"We would do a full body pat down as an alternative, to ensure that there are no threat items on the person," said Russell McCaffrey of the TSA.

While some passengers may be concerned about the revealing nature of the machine's images, some travelers say that when it comes to invading her privacy, the TSA's hands-on, open palm, sliding approach is worse.

"I feel there's more privacy infringement with the pat down than there is with a full body scan," said traveler Barb Lenihan.

"I think it's absolutely ridiculous," said Andreca Frater, a LaGuardia passenger. "That's invading people's privacy. I understand what they're trying to do, but that's borderline."

Others disagree.

"I don't care at all," said Connecticut resident Rose McCallum. "I like to be safe than sorry."

The TSA's position is that adopting a full body pat down procedure helps detect hidden and dangerous items, including explosives.

"Passengers should continue to expect an unpredictable mix of security layers that include explosives trace detection, advanced imaging technology, canine teams, among others," the agency said in a statement.

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