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Pigs Beware: Queens Councilman Peter Vallone Vows To Find You

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Queens Councilman Peter Vallone got his hands dirty on Tuesday digging through a city garbage can on Astoria Boulevard to find out who illegally dumped household trash into the container.

WCBS 880's Marla Diamond On The Story


"What kind of pig does this? Stuffs up the small opening of a public trash can with a bag of your personal home trash?" Vallone wrote on his Facebook page.

The trash can has a lid with a small opening to prevent people from putting household and business garbage in the receptacle.

Vallone went through the offending bag of rubbish and tracked down the "pig" thanks to a Victoria's Secret catalogue.

"I have your last name and address. Expect a visit from sanitation to your pigsty," Vallone warned.

The Astoria resident faces a $100 fine and a $250 fine if he's caught again for a second offense.

"This guy not only put his personal garbage in there, he stuffed it up so no one else could use it," Vallone told 1010 WINS. "That's something that really bothers me."

Based on the reaction on his Facebook page, a lot of other people are annoyed as well.

"You should have posted his last name and address on Facebook so we can all dump our trash in his trash cans," Thomas Sourasis wrote.

"Way to go Pete pigs like that deserve to get tickets," Vito Divittorio wrote.

Vallone has a message for future offenders: "We will catch you and we will embarass you and hopefully you will pay a fine."

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