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Boomer & Carton: Craig's Father-Son Commandments To Live By

Craig's Father-Son Commandments

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Upon learning that Al Dukes and "The" Eddie Scozzare don't know how to play poker, Craig was a little taken aback -- so he decided to do something about it.

With that said he came up with a list of 10 (actually 11) commandments for all fathers who are raising a son.

They are as follows:

10. You must give your son a fundamental background on how to play cards.

9. Teach your son how to drive a stick shift.

8. Teach your son how to tie a tie.

7. Teach your son how to throw a ball and swim.

6. Take your son to a strip club (when he is old enough) at least once.

5. Teach your son how to shave.

4. Teach your son the importance of tipping properly.

3. Teach your son the fundamental background on how to make a wager.

2. Teach your son how to hold the door open for a woman and be a gentleman.

1. Teach your son how to ride a bike.

Another No. 1: Never accept no for an answer (with regards to your dreams).

Boomer added a few as well, like going to a ball game together and having them watch every WWII movie ever made.

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