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Nina In New York: Peace Out (For A Week)

A young professional's take on the trials and tribulations of everyday life in New York City.

By Nina Pajak

Phew, what a week.

Much more sad Weinerfun, closing in on legalizing gay marriage in New York, something something golf something, Selena Gomez (that's a person) is out of the hospital after almost dying of eating junk food, something NBA something blah blah blah, and the rent, most agree, is way too damn high. The heat has broken, which is nice, but Hugh Hefner's fiancée called off the wedding because she woke up one morning and realized that he's, like, old. Hockey yadda yadda?

On a personal front, my week featured a number of highs and lows. Highs include overhauling my closet, which for reasons difficult to explain gave way to buying a new coffee maker. Okay, I realize that sounds lame. The thing is, we've had our old coffee maker for at least six years, and it was this humongous, monstrous thing that brewed espresso and coffee and malfunctioned all the time. It took up an immense amount of space and collected so much dust on the areas I didn't use regularly that it became like another piece of furniture which required care. But it was a gift and it was probably expensive, and Mr. Pajak does not take kindly to throwing things away. Everything is "still perfectly good." If it was up to him, we'd spend the next two decades underusing and tenderly caring for our current possessions, rehabilitating them by any means possible until they are "good as new." We'd wind up with a house full of Frankenstein appliances that have been expertly yet creatively revived, and when people come to visit us we'll take them around, pointing at items and saying, "guess how long we've had that!" "And guess how long we've had that!" But sometimes, I need to take matters into my own hands. So fueled by my success on the hanger front, I impulsively bought a $30.00 Mr. Coffee machine and promised the massive beast to my younger brother. Downgrade achieved! I feel so free. I feel so light and unfettered!

Lows include finding myself watching seven minutes of "The World According to Paris" on Oxygen the other night and having to remind myself of all the differences between mosquito bites and bed bug bites. Fie on you, summer.

Now we are off to California for a week, first the North and then down to Los Angeles, where I am evidently expected to rent a car and drive around or some such nonsense. I anticipate equal amounts genuine relaxation and aggravation at being told how relaxed I'd be if I moved there. I also predict not being allowed to growl at people for being pokey in the coffee line, but am skeptical as to my ability to ease into the slower pace to the point where my urge to growl is actually suppressed.

I look forward to reporting back on this alleged "left coast" and catching up with you next Monday. Have a great week, all!


Dear Readers: While I am rarely at a loss for words, I'm always grateful for column ideas. Please feel free to e-mail me your suggestions.

Nina Pajak is a writer and publishing professional living with her husband on the Upper West Side.

The Nina Archives:

Time For New York To Step Up And Commit Already

Let's Drop This 'Rehab' Thing, Shall We?

The Great Purge

You Can Find Me At The Dog Run

Nothing Like Summer In The City

Sexting Will Get You Nowhere

Sometimes A Weiner Is Just A Weiner

The Catalog Attack

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