Stories From Main Street: Funding A New Playground At The New York School For The Deaf
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) - Recess hasn't been the same at the New York School for the Deaf since superstorm Sandy hit.
So the school is working to raise money to build a new playground.
Arlene Rice, a sign language interpreter, helped WCBS 880's Sean Adams converse with Amanda, Layla, Ricardo, Allonna and Afnan. The students are 7 to 9 years old and hope they school can raise enough money to help build them a playground.
Stories From Main Street: Funding A New Playground At The New York School For The Deaf
"I want a new one so I can climb and I can swing and I can slide down the slide. And maybe they'll have one of those crooked slides," one of the students told Adams via Rice's interpretation.
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"Oh please help us and help my friends. Please help me and my friends. All of us want a playground," another student signed.
"We like to have fun," said another student.
Dr. Janet Dickinson is the executive director of the nearly 200-year-old school. She said Sandy destroyed the playground.
"The equipment was really jostled from the storm. Everything became a little loose and unsafe and then a tree fell on the swing set and so those bars and that frame became very unstable and bent," she told Adams.
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The budget is tight in Albany, so the School for the Deaf is raising money at The school is aiming to raise $45,000 to fund a special rubber surface to accommodate children that use walkers or wheelchairs.
"Children need to play. It's amazing how many skills you develop during play," said Dickinson. "Learning through play is such an important concept."
The school has raised more than $14,000 as of Monday morning.
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