3 Sought In Violent Attack On Transgender Woman In Park Slope, Brooklyn
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Police early Sunday released surveillance photos of three suspects who allegedly attacked and beat a transgender woman in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
As 1010 WINS' Darius Radzius reported, the attack happened in broad daylight on Friday, May 13, at Seventh Avenue and Eighth Street in Brooklyn. It had several who live in the neighborhood upset.
"I mean, I think it's sickening. It's happening way too common. I think that's awful," one woman said. "I'd hate to hear that in my neighborhood happen."
Around 11:10 a.m. that day, the 32-year-old victim was walking north on Seventh Avenue when the three suspects began to yell derogatory names, police said.
One of the men, who had an unknown tattoo under his eye, went onto punch the victim in the face, while the other two punched and pulled her hair, police said.
The suspects ran off in an unknown direction. The victim walked a block into New York Methodist Hospital and was treated for a fractured nose and eye socket, police said.
One of the suspects was wearing a gray Nike shirt with red sleeves, another wore a dark-colored jacket with a royal blue Adidas T-shirt, and a third had a bald head and was wearing a blue jean jacket and glasses.
Neighbors told CBS2's Ali Bauman the block is busy on weekdays with many high schoolers walking through during lunch hours.
"It's horrible if it happens anywhere and you would like to think progress starts in urban neighborhoods and works its way out but we're not there yet which is a sad reality," local resident Andrew Lloyd said.
Anyone with information was asked to call the NYPD Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS or (888) 57-PISTA for Spanish, log onto the Crime Stoppers website, or text tips to 274637 (CRIMES) and enter TIP577.