Woman Turns Old Passenger Bus Into Mobile Tiny Home
ASBURY PARK, N.J. (CBSNewYork) – It's a hybrid between a New York City apartment and an RV, but one woman has pulled off the ultimate home conversion project and is ready to sell it.
With a bed at one end and a steering wheel at the other, Jessie Lipskin spent three years converting an old style passenger bus into her home which she started living out of in January.
"It looked just like a commuter bus from the 60's or 70's. All of the original seats were in. It was pretty dusty, but it had lived its life in the desert after it retired from the San Francisco Bay area," bus owner Jessie Lipskin explained.
Lipskin bought the bus for $7,000 on Ebay after she decided she wanted to live more sustainably.
She spent $125,000 to renovate the inside of the bus, which has everything a normal apartment would. Lipskin says the tiny home actually has more square feet of space than some places in New York City.
"In here I have the washer spinner, which is an apartment washer-dryer. It has a washer compartment and spinning compartment, and it fits about seven pairs of jeans."
The 1966 GMC bus still works. It was driven from California to Asbury Park, New Jersey however, it's too large for Lipskin to drive so the renovated home is up on the market. She has it up for sale on Craigslist and sites that sell tiny homes.
"It was a labor of love for sure, so I want to find the right person that will really appreciate it and wants to live this sort of lifestyle," Lipskin said.
The bus's owner adds that she wants to live in a tiny home again, but wants to downsize to one smaller than the bus.