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Traffic Free-For-All: Missing Lines On Streets Causes Driving Chaos

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – The double yellow lines that divide traffic are a lifeline for drivers, but on 11th Avenue in Manhattan, that lifeline is missing.

There are double yellow lines on 11th Avenue and 56th Street, but travel south another block they begin to fade. They keep fading until the lines are gone completely; a disappearing act that lasts for six blocks until 49th Street.

Residents say it's an accident waiting to happen, especially during rush hour.

Double yellow lines missing on Manhattan streets. (Credit: CBS2)

"There is confusion because people don't know exactly where they are or where they belong," driver Admir Kacamakovic told CBS2's Lisa Rozner.

"You cannot tell the difference between a left lane and a right lane and you cannot tell the difference between where the opposing lane traffic starts."

Businesses in the area say it's been this way for at least a year. During rush hour, the problem reportedly gets even worse.

"There's always cars getting pulled over," Alberto Rodriguez of a local Mobil station added. "There is no double yellow line so how do you get that ticket? How do you explain that one? They'll still give it to you because supposedly it's there."

Some say it's like a free-for-all for drivers around 54th Street, not only is there no double yellow line but there is also no crosswalk.

The Department of Transportation wouldn't make anyone available for interview, but after CBS2 started asking questions, a spokesperson said the agency is working to schedule markings along the stretch.

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