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Candidates For Public Advocate Blast The Idea Of Mayor De Blasio Running For President In 2020

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Roundly mocked.

The candidates for public advocate are the latest to turn thumbs down on de Blasio 2020, saying a man who can't run the city certainly can't run the country, CBS2's Marcia Kramer reported Thursday.

MOREDespite Cancelling Trip To New Hampshire, Mayor De Blasio Keeps Presidential Aspirations Alive

He gets no respect. Mayor Bill de Blasio might as well change his name to Rodney Dangerfield for all the regard his presidential ambitions are getting.

"Now, the mayor may qualify to run for president. I am not sure he's qualified to run for president," former City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said.

Mayor Bill de Blasio On Fiscal Year 2020 Budget
Mayor Bill de Blasio talks on the 2020 fiscal year budget on Feb. 7, 2019. (credit: CBS2)

Mark-Viverito was just one of several candidates for public advocate saying de Blasio should not run for president.

It's interesting, since enlightened self interest says they should want him to move to Washington because the public advocate becomes the mayor if he leaves office before the end of his term.

"I think he's complete delusional if he thinks he's going to be president of the United States," Ron Kim said.

"The mayor I endorsed in 2013 is not the mayor I've seen lately," Jumanne Williams said.

"He would not be my candidate for president," Dawn Smalls added.

The candidates cited a litany of de Blasio failures -- from the New York City Housing Authority to the homeless to doing nothing to fix the subways.

"I think the mayor should finally focus on New York City," Rafael Espinal said.

"When we talk about the crisis in our MTA and this pissing match between the governor and the mayor and things not getting done or accomplished, there's a lack of leadership there," Mark-Viverito added.

When told of some of the things said about him by the likes of Mark-Viverito and Kim, de Blasio said he respects them all and keeps his own counsel. When reminded that they don't seem to respect him, the mayor said it again, "I respect them all."

The mayor was asked if he met anyone who actually wants him to run for president. He said he had received "encouragement," but didn't say from whom.

De Blasio said he still intends to go to New Hampshire and other early primary states. His original trip was canceled after NYPD Det. Brian Simonsen was killed in the line of duty last week.

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