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Best City Tutoring Centers and Programs

While choosing to take the essential steps towards improving your child's academic performance, you must be sure to select the best tutoring programs and centers across NYC to achieve the highest possible results. CBSNewYork has explored and researched centers and programs throughout the city, in addition to polling parents for feedback on each place visited. Listed below are our choices for the top programs and centers in the city to make for the most successful, affordable and convenient spots for your child to learn with excellent, experienced teachers. By Erica Mason

Club Z Tutoring

230 Park Place
Brooklyn, NY 11238
(866) 44- TUTOR

Club Z has served over 300,000 students and has proven to be one of the most effective and cost- efficient tutoring programs in NYC. This program provides extremely cheap or free at- home tutoring services to students of all ages. Students can be tutored for free if they attend eligible schools through the No Child Left Behind Act, so be sure to ask your child's principal or the Club Z tutors if your child attends an eligible school. A highly qualified tutor will be matched with your child based on your child's needs and will come to your home to provide appropriate services. Club Z is successful in raising student's test scores, grades, study skills, and confidence in all academic areas. This individualized, at- home program is what makes Club Z so successful and unique and you don't have to go anywhere to receive these excellent tutoring services!

Sylvan Learning Center

(800) 439- 6282

This program is conducted in a center with extremely experienced teachers and tutors, all of whom have excellent credentials. Parents and children can go to a center that is convenient to them to take a tour and to observe a tutoring session. The total cost of you child's tutoring program is based on the plan that is customized for your child based on various assessments and personalized plans, which pinpoint your child's strengths and weaknesses. Teachers do the same assessments all year long to track the progress being made by each and every student in the classroom, and Sylvan does the same. Not all tutoring programs assess students as frequently as at Sylvan, so this is what makes Sylvan so successful.


(866) 586- 6673

Kumon is similar in style to the Sylvan Learning Center in many ways, but Kumon focuses only on reading and math, as opposed to writing and other subjects. Like Sylvan, Kumon assesses students immediately in order to determine the child's academic abilities for a proper placement order. Parents are encouraged to keep their children in the program for at least six months to see the ongoing process of learning outside of school. Kumon differs from other tutoring centers because their main way of teaching reading and math is through repetition, which reinforces the material being taught. This is a basic skill that children will carry with them throughout life. Most children attend twice a week for a half an hour per subject and are given at- home assignments for the rest of the week. The tutors at Kumon are experienced and are known to be caring and very helpful.

Parliament Tutors

(877) 873- 0511

This at- home tutoring service is a premier, yet expensive tutoring option for your child. The program provides tutoring in all grades and subjects, including test prep for the SAT, ACT, PSAT, LSAT, and state level tests. The tutors here are excellent and are highly qualified teachers. There are required to have a lot of experience in teaching and tutoring and are constantly being observed; they must make progress with their students and meet set goals. The tutors promote excellence in conceptual and practical understanding. This comprehensive program also assesses students throughout the year to determine strengths and weaknesses so a plan can be developed that is highly individualized for each student. Pricing for this program is high, as enrollment is based on hours from 4- 24 per week. The starting enrollment price for 4 hours is $250, and goes up to $1, 329 for 24 hours. After assessing your child for free, tutors will determine the amount of hours needed based on how much time per week they need to succeed academically.

Tutors, Ink.

45 West 34th Street, Suite 710
New York, NY 10001
(212) 594- 4730

This NY based tutoring center teaches all subjects, including test prep and study skills, to students of all ages. Your child will improve as a learner, as all tutors at Tutors Ink are required to have a B.A. in education and usually have a master's degree in the subject they are teaching. Tutoring fees can be arranged monthly, yearly or hourly.

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