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5 Best Book Clubs To Join In New York

Many different groups meet in New York City to share ideas and common interests. Book clubs are no exception. However, many of them are either transient or meet only rarely. These book clubs consistently meet and offer the reader a variety of experiences, from fiction to nonfiction to the downright strange.

Books That Make You Go Hmmm...!  Meetup
NYC Meetups
Location changes with each Meetup

For those with eclectic tastes, this book club reads selections from such varied authors as Charles Dickens, Neil Gaiman, Ayn Rand and Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. With 991 members as of this writing, there are sure to be some intriguing viewpoints. Members rave about the wonderful balance between deep, insightful discussion about the books and time spent just socializing. Check out the website to see when and where the next meetup is.

Related: New York's 5 Best Independent Book Shops

New York 1001 Books and Movies Meetup
NYC Meetups
Location changes with each Meetup

The 1001 series includes books, movies, paintings and albums that you should experience in your lifetime. That's an impressive feat for anyone, but this club takes books and movies from that list and opens them up for discussion at meetings. If you have an interest in the most highly-regarded literature and cinema and wish to meet similar people for friendly, open discussions, this club is for you.

The Last Monday of the Month Book Club Meetup
NYC Meetups
Edgar's Cafe
650 Amsterdam Ave
New York, NY 10025
(212) 595-6261

True to its name, this book club meets on the last Monday of each month at Edgar's Cafe. Its 98 members discuss titles from a variety of authors. Many of the books have vivid characters and convoluted plots involving relationships, personal drama and skeletons in protagonists' closets. These books invite the reader on a journey to understand how the characters came to be who they are. This is a great book club for stories that develop relatable characters. What is perhaps most interesting about the cafe where each meeting is held, is that it is themed after Edgar Allen Poe, with decor reminiscent of "The Black Cat" and "The Fall of the House of Usher." However, there is no Amontillado on the wine list.

The New York Nonfiction Reading Club Meetup
NYC Meetups
The meeting place changes; past places include the IBM Atrium and the SONY Wonder Studio. Check site for details.

From mathematics to city planning to the history of chocolate, the New York Nonfiction Reading Club Meetup reads and discusses a wide variety of nonfiction titles. Some of the more notable selections include a history of Robert Moses and his power over New York as well as a book on the role of games in our daily lives. For those who are tired of reading the latest novel or literary selection and would like to delve into real-world issues, this club is the perfect fit.

Word Book Store
126 Franklin St
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 383 0096

The Word Book Store has three different book clubs: Book Group, Classics Book Group and Music Writing Book Group. Book Group meets on the first Saturday of the month at noon and covers a variety of titles. Classics Book Group meets the second Saturday of the month at noon and focuses on NYRB Classics (New York Review Books). Music Writing Book Group meets the second Saturday of the month at 3 p.m. and discusses books about music and the music industry. All books for Book Group and Classic Book Group are 10% off the month before the meeting where they will be discussed.

Related: New York's Best Indie Book Shops

Nick Gauthier is a freelance writer and lives in the Bronx. His work can be found at

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